Definition of both "compromise" and "unity"
- Give-in and shut up. The condition requiring all opposition to resolve conflict by accepting the Democrat position.
- Pretense of Democrats seeking unity or compromise on a public policy decision or cultural conflict, which will require Republicans to abandon their position totally and acquiesce for appearances while the Democrats give up absolutely nothing.
- Delusional perspective of RINOs accepting and promoting whatever goat-rodeo bad outcome as a necessary “compromise” or hard-fought victory for “unity.”
Examples of false "compromise" and "unity" include:
- Ronald Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 legalized 4 million illegal aliens in exchange (compromise) for stronger border control and penalties for businesses employing illegals. The result: illegal migration rose to 11+ million and NOTHING was done to curb the problem.
- Joe Biden: “We must not hate each other. We must together in unity. We are all one family” (while his underlings and the press continually berate his opponents as Nazis and domestic terrorists)
- RINO Senator Spineless: “This stimulus was achieved through hard negotiation and compromise in which our side folded, giving the Democrats the egregious corruptocratic boondoggle they wanted. As a bipartisan effort, we’re united, so don’t blame me when I come up for reelection.”
What is "Compromise" and "Unity"?
It may seem strange that two different words would have the exact same meaning. Ordinarily, “unity” should mean a condition of harmony, or the quality or state of being made one. “Compromise” is supposed to be a settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions. Unfortunately, in our current political context, they are identical, and their outcomes are always the same.
The key elements of the DNC “unity” or “compromise” include:
- A bill, decision, or outcome completely antithetical to anything a patriotic citizen would even consider
- Spineless Republicans posing as battle-hardened victors claiming to have prevented worse legislation from happening
- A media savaging the DNC opposition with the cruelest focus-group-determined epithet during the current political cycle (Obama term: “racist;” Trump term: “white supremacist,” Biden term: possibly “domestic terrorist”?).
This last point is critical since it allows the DNC swamp rats to appear [statesman /stateswoman /statesperson-like] and above the fray. They smile and placidly urge unity or compromise while others commit literal acts of violence or engage in various forms of political assassination on their behalf.
This tactic was effectively used during the Obama regime, when every critic of that thin-skinned narcissist was met with claims of racism. It’s become the standard practice during the Biden regime.
Necessary Response
Joe Biden’s current request for “unity” for the good of the country means the largest voter turnout in history – over 75+ MILLION Trump voters — should shut up and swallow his fraudulent victory while big tech erases them from social media and the “fake news” media condemn them as Nazis, white supremacists, and domestic terrorists.
The response should be unequivocally: Get. Stuffed. There will be NO unity. NO compromise. We have NO interest in playing along. We will treat you as you treated Trump, and when the media asks wistfully “whatever happened to civility?” we will tell them something flippant and rude about them raping children on Jeffrey Epstein’s island.
Alternatively, we’ll accuse them of raping Chinese orphans with Hunter Biden.
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