So how could 75+ MILLION of their countrymen and women vote for “Orange Man Bad” in 2020? Not only that, claim to willingly crawl over broken glass to vote for him. And continue to fight for him even when the media says he lost.
Give this to your leftist friends who want to understand why…
Why don’t you like Donald Trump? He used to be popular. Sure he was brash, even arrogant, but well liked. The political left thought he was one of them for decades. Rappers rapped about him. DNC candidates asked him for support, monetary and otherwise.
But somewhere along the line…
September 19, 2017, Trump put the world on notice. In a daring, 42 minute speech to the UN, Donald Trump delivered a powerful reset in…
Since the November 2016 election of Trump, the mainstream media has been on a record-skip of two songs: Trump is illegitimate. That is, the wrong…
Are we Americans not brave enough to say both sides are wrong? In the wake of the Charlottesville, VA violence, where Antifa and Alt-Right protesters…