The other day I heard an interesting definition: The difference between a SJW (social justice warrior) and an activist. An activist tries to get a…
So California, the state who used to create all sorts of tests for us during our childhood is now reneging on the only one that…
America is endangering our future by not giving in to the climate hoax? By refusing to cripple our economy and redistribute our wealth in the…
As you know, progressives and many TV commentators need to expand their vocabulary. In the realm of immigration, perennial nimrod Geraldo Rivera called Donald Trump…
False idiom of uncritical conformity Definition of “Voting Against (your) self-interest” The false belief that voters will benefit from supporting Democrat policies, typically involving wealth-redistribution,…
As Newt Gingrich says, “The choice is never between doing nothing or doing something very stupid.”
Alright, if you haven’t seen this video: If you can’t stomach the full viewing, it’s the story of progressive do-gooders setting up a fake gun…
Hanlon’s Razor is “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Taken from Robert A. Heinlein’s short story “Logic of Empire” (1941),…
Pronoun Trouble God bless Bill Burr. So funny. And notice the humanity expressed with his ribbing of Jenner. But seriously, “her”? No. Didn’t anyone in…
A Modest Proposal to Solve that Immigration Problem Here’s a thought… After all, we already host 1/4 of the Mexican population. Oh, you heard it…